Charles Dickens was  a famous English novelist and one of the best known in world literature, who was able to masterfully handle the narrative genre, mood, the tragic sense of life, irony, with a algid acute social critique and the descriptions of people and places, both real and imagined.



Charles Dickens who is generally regarded as the most important of the Victorian period. 


A Dickens have called an author whose characters are among the most memorable and creative English literature - if not exclusively for its unusual characteristics, certainly by name. Characters like Ebenezer Scrooge, Fagin, Mrs Gamp, David Copperfield, Charles Darnay, Oliver Twist , Micawber, Pecksniff, Miss Havisham, Wackford Squeers and many others are so well known, you can even believe they have a life outside his novels and stories with other authors continue. A Dickens loved the style of the eighteenth century, the Gothic romance, even came to take it game-Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey was a well-known parody, and while some are grotesque, his eccentricities are often overshadow their stories. One of the best drawn characters in his novels is London itself. From the bars outside the city to the banks of the Thames, all aspects of the British capital are described by someone who truly loved her and spent many hours walking its streets.

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Social Criticism

Dickens's novels were, among other things, works of social criticism. He was a fierce critic of the poverty and social stratification of Victorian society. Through his works, Dickens retained an empathy for the common man and a skepticism of the bourgeois family. Dickens's second novel, Oliver Twist  (1839), was responsible for cleaning the present suburb of London which was the basis of the story of Jacob's Island. In addition, with the character of a tragic prostitute, Nancy, Dickens "humanised" such women for readers, women were prized as "unfortunate" victims inherent immoral system of the Victorian economy. Bleak House and Little Dorrit elaborated extensive critiques of the Victorian institutional apparatus: the interminable lawsuits of the Court of Chancery that destroyed people's lives in Bleak House and the dual attack inLittle Dorrit with inefficiency and corruption patent office with irregular and speculation markets.

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